CIF B 57296956
Adresse: C/ Rafael Rodríguez Méndez, 16 1º, CP 07011 Palma de Mallorca.
Tel: 971220792
You can communicate with us in any way.
Our files are registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency
in accordance with applicable laws and development regulations.
We reserve the right to change or modify this privacy policy at any time.
Moment. We encourage you to read it and if you have registered and access your account or
Profile, you will be informed of the changes.


Via the web contact form, both desktop and mobile versions.
1. Purpose.
– Answer your information request using our contact form
– Send you notices and information from the organization in a variety of ways, including
electronically, unless you do not give your consent by ticking the relevant box.
2. Legitimation. Legitimacy is the express consent of the interested party.
3. Receiver. Insurance companies, companies of the SEGURCONSULT BALEAR group
Insurance broker S.L. and public administrations.
Newsletter dispatch
1. Purpose. Manage sending newsletters to users via
Authorized Subscription.
2. Legitimation. The authorization to process personal data lies in consent
express consent of the interested party to subscribe to this service by ticking the box provided.
3. Receiver. No data will be transferred to third parties unless required by law.
Mediation of insurance contracts
1. Purpose. Manage contracted insurance market products.
2. Legitimation. The lawfulness of the processing of personal data is based on
the express consent of the interested party.
3. Receiver. Insurance companies, companies of the SEGURCONSULT BALEAR group
Insurance broker S.L. and public administrations.


You can object to all data processing listed in this data protection declaration at any time
the right of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and all other rights
derived from the application of the GDPR.


What is the legitimacy of processing your data? The authorization for the data processing provided for in this data protection declaration is:
1. Take out an insurance policy.
2. Express consent of the interested party to the following data processing:
Data processing in web contact forms.
Processing of data collected as part of your user registration on our website.
Processing of the data provided when registering for newsletters or similar.
Processing the data provided in the product review section.
Processing administrative data and sending requested information.
3. Compliance with a legal obligation:
The retention periods of your data after termination of the contractual relationship are based on the provisions of the Commercial Code.
The transmission of your data at the request of the Financial Inspectorate is protected by Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax Legislation.
To which recipients will your data be passed on? As stated in the basic information, no data will be transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In cases where this is necessary, customer data may be transferred to authorized organizations
Receive it: tax administration, courts or other persons pursuant to legal regulations or official orders.
What rights do you have in connection with data processing? As a data owner, you have the right to obtain confirmation of the processing of your data, to access your personal data, to request the correction of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion if the data is deleted for other reasons, among other things, for the purposes, for which they were collected are no longer required or you as the data subject revoke your consent.
To exercise your rights, you must contact us by email:
The processing, storage and deletion of your data will be carried out in accordance with current regulations, without prejudice to the fact that you, as an interested party, may in any case request the restriction of the data
Processing of your data. In certain cases, you can also exercise your right to data portability, which will be transmitted to you or the new data controller you designate in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format.



The data that you provide to us by using and navigating our website, via forms, by email or on the occasion
Contractual relationships that could connect you with our company are personal data. When filling out the individual forms on our website, a number of mandatory data may be required, the fields of which are marked with the * symbol. If these fields are not filled in, the purposes described in each form cannot be fulfilled. In some cases we inform you that this is possible through simple use and navigation
Our website stores data related to:
 IP-Adresse
 Browserversion
 operating system
 Duration of visit or navigation through the website
Such information may be stored by Google Analytics. We therefore refer to Google’s privacy policy, which deals with this information. Likewise, the Site provides the functionality of Google Maps, which may have access to your location, if you allow, in order to provide you with more precise information about the distance to our headquarters or our services. In this context, we refer to the Google Maps privacy policy to find out how this data is used and processed. Such
Information is not associated with a specific user and is stored anonymously and separately in our databases in order to carry out statistical analysis, improvements to the website, products and/or services and business strategies for the RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TREATMENT, without disclosing it to any other third party